Thursday, March 12, 2009



  1. This seminar was held to fulfill one of the course requirements - TKO6013-Advanced Organic Chemistry. The advisers for this program are Dr Saripah Salbiah and Dr Zainul Abdin. The talk was given by Dr Badlishah Sham b. Baharin from OGHerbs Sdn Bhd. This seminar is about the potential of Malaysian traditional herbs at the global market. With Noni(mengkudu) as an example,the audiences are told about the benefit of Noni as traditional medicine and supplementary food, the extraction of active ingredient from the raw material, the process and the challenge to the local and global market. Even though the number of audiences are below than expected, the seminar was succesfully done.
    Special Thanks to Dr Badlishah, advisers' lecturer, department of Chemistry and members of Class TKO6013.

  2. My view about this seminar....

    First of all, I would like to introduce the background of this seminar. Actually our course members (Advance Organic Chemistry)are given responsibility to organize that function where it will contribute 20% for our coursework. So, whether we like or not we have to do it although more time and energy should be spent in order to make this event become true and success as well.

    So, is it worth? For my notion, of course is worth. Why should I said like that? This is because, it made me realized the important of natural resources especially herbs for our health where chemistry play a role to abstract a key compound from their components either through the chemical process or physical process.

    So, as conclusion this seminar successfully develop and boost my curiosity to learn more about chemistry where from it, a lot of compounds can be found and explored which create benefits especially for humankind..

    Comment by Effah Shaari
